Christmas Just in Time

A couple of weeks ago Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos showed off a prototype helicopter drone on CBS’s 60 Minutes. It was designed to deliver packages to Amazon's customers in under 30 minutes from the time they placed their orders. That news segment had the whole country buzzing about the possibility of our skies full of drones delivering Amazon’s parcels. It seemed like a silly publicity stunt to me as I am certain that the technical and safety obstacles would make its realization a long way off. Nevertheless, I was inspired to create this photograph. All I needed to do was borrow a helicopter drone, tie a box to it, and step out onto my terrace which, ironically, overlooks the Statue of Liberty and an area of New Jersey where Amazon plans to build an enormous distribution center, no doubt within drone range of Manhattan. (click the card to enlarge)

Steve Heller in The Cave

On a recent Saturday morning Steve Heller met me on the steps of his 16th Street studio in Manhattan. I was intent on photographing this icon of design amidst what proved to be the most intense personal collection of objects and books that I had ever seen.


Steve is the latest subject in my graphic designer portrait series. He was the noted art director of the New York Times Book Review for 33 years. He has authored and co-authored over 100 books on design and popular culture. He is a fascinating subject whose charm and accomplishments would be difficult to convey in a single photograph.


My biggest challenge was finding a place to put my camera and tripod. I wedged myself into a tiny space between teetering towers of rare books and objects, terrified that I could knock something over and start an avalanche. (Click on photo to enlarge)


Mannequins designed to sell women’s fashion and beauty products. The nurses’ uniforms caught my eye. (Click on photo to enlarge)


Steve has authored or co-authored all the books on these shelves. This man does not waste time. (Click on photo to enlarge)


Before there was there was Esky, the 1940’s Esquire Magazine Man (middle shelf, tiny figure just to the right of center). PLUS: Razor Blade displays, micro mannequins, one of many Uncle Sam’s in Steve's collection. (Click on photo to enlarge).

Overview: Steve is more curator than hoarder. Still, there’s potential here for a reality TV show. (Click on photo to enlarge)


Books not authored by Steve. He sometimes refers to his studio as “The Cave,” perhaps because of the  stacks of books growing up from the floor like stalagmites. (Click on photo to enlarge)

Possible inspiration for Lena Dunham’s Girls TV series. Long before Grey’s Anatomy, ad agencies knew that medicine was sexy. (Click on photo to enlarge)


Tiny businessman with tiny furniture sans electronic devices or social networking. The large black object on his desk was referred to as a "telephone." (Click on photo to enlarge)

Past presidents - another favorite theme. Ronald Reagan bust by Robert Grossman. W’s bust looks a little mean and simian.  (Click on photo to enlarge)

Was there anything that these commercial pencils couldn’t create? (Click on photo to enlarge)

Steve's desk surrounded by reference material and inspiration. The closet at the end of this room is full of Carousel slide trays. (Click on photo to enlarge)

To each according to Steve’s needs – more figures depicting Mao and the Chinese revolution. (Click on photo to enlarge)

Tokyo Shoot 2

​Sake barrels at the Mejii Shrine

Last year I was photographing for a large retailing client in a few places around the world including Tokyo. I had a day off to explore and take some personal photographs. You can see a few of those photos in my blog post from last May below -scroll, scroll, scroll..  I intended to post more of my Tokyo photos and today, Alyson Kuhn, a good friend and ultra talented writer for Felt & Wire beat me to it with a marvelous blog piece about a unique Found Muji store that I stumbled upon in Tokyo. Her post reminded me of the fact that I had some other Tokyo photos I wanted to share...

​They're all empty and non-recyclable.

The National Art Center

​No matter the shape, windows in Tokyo office buildings are the cleanest in the world.

​This reminded me of a giant hi-tech version of a New York storefront security gate.

Storefront display at Found MUJI

Mad Max inspired boots for the apocalypse

Poster: Why proper footwear is important to your pancreas

Bill Cunningham would love this city

New portrait of Phil Berg

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Meet Phil Berg, whom I photographed as part of my documentary, MONTAUK. The film has been selected to premiere in the New York Surf Film Festival on September 20th. I shot it over two summers and interviewed twenty unique individuals; Phil is one of Montauk's most ebullient residents. Multi-talented, he is  a tree surgeon, a baseball coach, a bouncer and a writer—and he goes nowhere without his trusty companion, Umma.

This portrait was set up in the middle of a quiet road on the outskirts of town. We had a huge strobe lighting him, taking up an entire lane. Every few minutes, someone would slowly drive by this spectacle and stop to say hello to Phil. It seems that there wasn’t anyone in town who didn’t know him. The fifth or sixth friend to stop by was driving a monster truck with enormous tires. The driver began chatting with Phil for a few minutes until he was interrupted by his girlfriend, whose head popped up from somewhere below the steering wheel. She cheerfully introduced herself before disappearing again and we continued shooting till the sun went down.

Montauk is a place I love and I hope you can come to see Phil and and the other fascinating citizens of Montauk when my film premieres in The New York Surf Film Festival, next Thursday September 20th at 7:30 pm.

Flag Day

Time-Lapse video of Flag Day production

This past winter one of my clients commissioned me to photograph a commemorative flag salvaged from the ruins of The World Trade Center. Following September 11, this enormous flag was restored using pieces of other historically significant flags from around the country. For the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the client asked me to find a unique way to photograph it along with some of their employees. I made a 45 second time lapse video of the ten hour production, which involved 3 assistants, one art director, one client, one hair and make-up artist, and 50 flag bearers. Try to watch it with the sound on.