Tokyo Shoot 2

​Sake barrels at the Mejii Shrine

Last year I was photographing for a large retailing client in a few places around the world including Tokyo. I had a day off to explore and take some personal photographs. You can see a few of those photos in my blog post from last May below -scroll, scroll, scroll..  I intended to post more of my Tokyo photos and today, Alyson Kuhn, a good friend and ultra talented writer for Felt & Wire beat me to it with a marvelous blog piece about a unique Found Muji store that I stumbled upon in Tokyo. Her post reminded me of the fact that I had some other Tokyo photos I wanted to share...

​They're all empty and non-recyclable.

The National Art Center

​No matter the shape, windows in Tokyo office buildings are the cleanest in the world.

​This reminded me of a giant hi-tech version of a New York storefront security gate.

Storefront display at Found MUJI

Mad Max inspired boots for the apocalypse

Poster: Why proper footwear is important to your pancreas

Bill Cunningham would love this city