John's Blog

Why, as a photographer, would I want to spend my time blogging?  The short answer is, I have some thoughts, beyond keywords and metadata, that I’d like to share with other creative people.  Also, a few of my photographer friends love to express themselves as musicians and, so far, no one I know wants to hear me play that didgeridoo that I bought last month.  And, finally, I didn’t want to be the last person on earth to have a blog.

I’ll begin with some insights into my most recent project - portraits of eleven of the most respected designers in the U.S. This blog will have stories and background photos about the portrait sessions.  I’ll be posting more about them over the next few days.  Later, you’ll find other topics that should be of interest to anyone in the visual arts.

If you're still with me after all that clicking I can just tell you, right on this post, that the designers in my series are: Stefan Sagmeister, Ellen Lupton, Paula Scher, Massimo and Lella Vignelli, Seymour Chwast, Stephen Doyle, April Greiman, Michael Bierut, Chip Kidd, and Milton Glaser.